What Scent Keeps Bed Bugs Away?
You’ve likely read that scents can stop bugs from approaching your home. It is true. The technique works exceptionally well in many cases. However, it might not work for all of the pests you may encounter. With that being said, some people believe that certain scents are going to work great for keeping bedbugs away
Top Places Bed Bugs Hide
Are you concerned that bedbugs might be hiding in your home? They might be. Bedbugs are sneaky pests that are often difficult to identify. They know how to hide without being detected. Bedbugs often hide on ordinary items such as your mattress and box spring. When they bite, there is a chance that you’re going
Tips To Avoid Bed Bugs While Traveling
Frequent travelers are at the highest risk of a bed bug encounter than any other group of people. It is unfortunate for travelers who spend a lot of time in motels, inns, and other rest stops. Bed bugs grow up to 3/16 of an inche in length. The body is the shape of an apple
I Found A Few Bed Bugs – Does That Mean I’m Dealing With An Infestation?
Have you found a few bedbugs in your home? If so, you’re likely going to brush it off. You may suspect that you only have one or two bedbugs in your home since that is all you saw. It happens. Homeowners might find a bedbug that crawled in from outside. However, there is a good
How To Make Bed Bugs Come Out Of Hiding
Are you concerned that bedbugs might be living in your home? They could be. Unfortunately, it is often difficult to detect an infestation during the early days. Instead, you’ll need to carefully inspect the home or wait until the infestation worsens. A professional exterminator can help you identify the infestation sooner. Furthermore, you might be
How Does Your Exterminator Check For Bed Bugs?
During the early stages of a bedbug infestation, you’re likely going to have difficulty finding out that something is wrong. Bedbugs are sneaky pests that can hide exceptionally well. You usually won’t understand that you have a bed bug problem until the infestation has severely worsened. Once it reaches this severity, it is time to